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Police Misconduct Lawyers

In Bakersfield, the majority of police officers enter the force to serve and protect the public. Therefore, there are inevitably a few corrupt police officers in many cities. If you or a family member experienced Kern County police brutality or misconduct, then you need the help of caring Bakersfield police misconduct lawyers.

Police violence, Special police forces putting handcuffs on a man, bakersfield police misconduct lawyers

What Is Police Misconduct?

From time to time, there is a police shooting in Bakersfield. And in some cases, the officers act in self-defense. If you were shot or a family member was shot and did not pose a threat, this is an example of police misconduct. Unnecessary groping, hitting, bullying, and false arrest are a few more examples of police misconduct. If you were beaten by a police officer and did not make threats or inflict harm on the officer, Bakersfield police brutality lawyers can help you seek damages based on the officer’s use of excessive force.


Our Bakersfield Police Misconduct Lawyers Are Here To Help

Bakersfield has a duty to its citizens as taxpayers to keep them safe. When police officers use excessive force or commit a false arrest, it is important to contact an attorney to file a lawsuit. Well, the Police brutality attorneys in Bakersfield can help. While the lawsuit should result in compensation for damages, it is vital to take action against the offending officer so he or she does not hurt other citizens. And this is especially true after an unwarranted police shooting happens. Our reliable Bakersfield police misconduct lawyers can help get the process started and be your advocate.

Police Misconduct in Kern County: A Troubling Reality

Kern County has one of the highest rates of police misconduct cases in California, with numerous incidents involving excessive force, wrongful deaths, and civil rights violations. Studies and reports have highlighted that Bakersfield, in particular, has faced scrutiny for its law enforcement practices, with several high-profile cases resulting in significant settlements for victims and their families. These statistics underscore the urgent need for accountability and justice.

One such case is the 2013 death of David Sal Silva, who died after officers used excessive force. Chain | Cohn | Clark secured a $3.4 million settlement for his family, and the case is featured in the ABC News Studios-Hulu docuseries “The Killing County,” highlighting police-involved deaths in Kern County.

If you or someone you know has been affected by police misconduct in Bakersfield or Kern County, seeking legal representation is crucial. Our experienced police misconduct lawyers have the knowledge and resources to stand up against these injustices, ensuring that victims’ voices are heard and their rights are protected. Contact us today to learn how we can help you fight for justice.


police misconduct and abuse in bakersfield highlights police brutality, Chain Cohn Clark can help

Reliable Bakersfield Police Brutality Lawyers

If you were abused, falsely arrested or had your rights violated by a local police officer then call the law offices of Chain | Cohn | Clark immediately to discuss your situation. Our experienced Bakersfield police brutality lawyers will investigate the incident to gather evidence in your favor. So, don’t hesitate! Contact our team of Bakersfield police brutality attorneys today!

Your Police Brutality Attorneys In Bakersfield

We spare no expense to build a solid case for you. Do not let the situation go and risk letting other citizens be mistreated. Also, Police officers are paid by your tax dollars and are there to serve and protect the public. So, call one of our Chain | Cohn | Clark police brutality attorneys in Bakersfield at (661)616-9829 or visit us at 1731 Chester Ave., Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93301-5220 for a free and confidential consultation today.

Here’s what you can expect when you work with our attorneys:

Personal Attention

You’ll meet your lawyer at your first appointment. Other staff may be in the meeting, but you’ll meet the attorney handling your case face-to-face.


We’ll keep you updated on what’s happening with your case—from our investigation to expert witnesses and court filings. Although we’ll handle the paperwork and negotiations, you’re still in control.


We can’t undo the injustice you have experienced. But we will help you hold those responsible for misconduct and brutality.

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