CCS takes part in American Heart Association’s ‘Heart Walk,’ ‘Lawyers Have Heart’ fundraiser
October 17, 2014 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Community Service Social Share

It’s widely known that heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States, which claims more than 800,000 American lives each year.
In Bakersfield, the American Heart Association hosts the annual Bakersfield Heart Walk to celebrate those who have made lifestyle changes and encourage others to take the pledge to live healthier lifestyles. The event also raises money needed to fund life-saving research and initiatives in our own local community.
This year, the Bakersfield Heart Walk will be held Saturday, Oct. 17, at Cal State Bakersfield (CSUB). The Bakersfield personal injury law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark is proud to support the American Heart Association and the Bakersfield Heart Walk this year.
The Heart Walk will also feature the “Lawyers Have Heart” 5K, which also raises money for the research and community education programs related to the American Heart Association. The event brings together law firms and attorneys to raise awareness of heart disease and strokes.
This year, CCS partner Matt Clark will take part in the Lawyers Have Heart 5K. This event began in 1991, and since then has raised more than $7.5 million for the American Heart Association and its causes. The event aims to raise awareness, and to also show local communities that local attorneys case about making a difference, while also promoting exercise and fitness. Today, Lawyers Have Heart has grown to by one of the largest philanthropic endeavors supported law firms and legal vendors in the United States.
The Lawyers Have Heart 5K and Heart Walk in Bakersfield has raised $185,000 so far, with the goal of raising $210,000 to fund life-saving research and health initiatives in Kern County.
The Oct. 18 event will feature a 5K timed run, 5K walk, 2-mile walk, survivor’s lap, kid’s zone, health screenings, VIP tent for Top Walkers, vendor tents, a team T-shirt contest and more. Adult survivors will be honored with hats, and child survivor will receive special Heart Hero capes. Lunch will be donated by Subway.
There is still time to sign up to help. The Lawyer Have Heart run is $35 per participant, and all runners will receive a T-shirt.
This year an estimated 785,000 Americans will have a new coronary attack and about 470,000 will have a recurrent attack. It is also estimated that an additional 195,000 silent heart attacks occur each year. Join Chain | Cohn | Clark and support the American Heart Association.
For more information, go to Kern County’s American Heart Association’s web page here or visit the American Heart Association Kern County’s Facebook page here.
UPDATE: CCS partner Matt Clark competed and came in second place overall in the “Lawyers Have Heart” 5K on Saturday at Cal State Bakersfield. See his photo finish here.