CCS sponsors Nathan’s Army 5K in fight against pediatric brain tumor

June 18, 2014 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | At the Firm , Community Service

CCS sponsors Nathan’s Army 5K in fight against pediatric brain tumor

In January, 8-year-old Nathan Street of Bakersfield was diagnosed with a pediatric brain tumor called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma — DIPG for short — which is highly aggressive and found in the brain stem, making it very difficult to treat.

The tumor is found in the pons area of the brain stem, which controls many of the body’s vital functions including breathing, blood pressure and heart rate, according to Boston’s Childrens Hospital. Radiation is the primary form of therapy for this newly diagnosed tumor, but it is a temporary fix. Experimental chemotherapy is also used; however, clinical trials have shown that the chemotherapy does not increase survival rates. Additionally, surgery is not an option as it can cause neurological damage and affect the body’s most vital functions.

Ultimately, the prognosis for DIPG is very poor, although a small percentage of patients can survive this disease, according to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The median survival is nine to 12 months, even with treatment.

The Bakersfield personal injury law firm of Chain | Cohn | Clark is proud to support the Street family and the Nathan’s Army 5K as Nathan battles against this disease.

The goal of the event is to raise awareness of the disease and increase research funding. Sponsors and supporters of the 5K also hope to raise funds for Nathan’s medical treatment, along with any other costs that the Street family will inevitably incur as they endure this fight.

The cause of DIPG is not currently understood. There are no known factors or conditions that make your child more or less likely to develop this type of tumor, according to Boston’s Childrens Hospital.

All proceeds and donations to Nathan’s Army 5K will benefit Nathan Street and pediatric DIPG research. Giving to Legacy Behavioral Services, a nonprofit organization, will allow donations and sponsorship to be tax deductible.

All donors and sponsors are recognized on the Nathan’s Army Facebook page and on the race day.

The 5K, 3.1-mile run or walk will go through the historic Rio Bravo Ranch, which is on 9,000 acres of diverse and scenic landscape. The trail route will take you over rustic ranch roads and up through citrus orchards overlooking the majestic Kern River. The course is suitable for all ages and abilities, however, please keep in mind it is a trail run.

It will be a timed event with awards in age categories given at the conclusion of the race.

Registration starts at 6:45 a.m. with the 5K kicking off at 8 a.m. The kid’s fun-run will follow. The ranch is at 15701 Highway 178.

To sign up as a participant in the event, go to the Nathan’s Army page.

To learn more about DIPG:



  • The 5K was a huge success, and about 750 people participated in this event.
  • KERO-23 (ABC) covered the 5K, Watch the news story here.
  • See CCS employees participating in the 5K here.