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Electrical Accidents

Electrical accidents are often the sources of some of the most serious injuries. These accidents often stem from unguarded power plant installations, high voltage switches and lines, crane contacts with high voltage, sagging power lines, and frayed or damaged wiring. Over the years, we have developed the knowledge and expertise necessary to successfully represent victims of electrical accidents. If you or someone you know has been involved in an electrical accident, contact our law firm immediately.

Recently, Chain | Cohn | Clark helped settle an electrical, burn injury case for six figures in which a young boy tripped over an electrical wire outside of his home. Click here to learn more about that case.

kern county electrical accident lawyers

Your Kern County Electrical Accident Lawyers

If you or someone you know is injured due to an electrical accident, contact us at (661) 616-9829 or visit us at 1731 Chester Ave., Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93301-5220 today.


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