Elder Neglect, Wrongful Death: Chavolla v. Kingston Healthcare

February 9, 2023 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Current Cases

Elder Neglect, Wrongful Death: Chavolla v. Kingston Healthcare

Our client was admitted to Kingston for care and therapy with the ultimate goal of returning home. He was known to be at risk for falls due to his muscle weakness and other conditions. He required extensive assistance with bathing, dressing, hygiene, eating, and bed mobility. Kingston prepared a care plan but was inadequate and the interventions mandated were never appropriately implemented. Staff was slow to respond to our client’s call lights, and often did not respond at all.

Within the first five weeks at Kingston, he suffered from one known fall, which caused severe injury and ultimately led to his death. Kingston’s failure to provide needed care was not an isolated incident. Instead it was part of a well-established policy and pattern of repeatedly failing to provide needed care to the residents of Kingston. In fact, Kingston has been cited as violating state and/or federal law many times in recent years.

For more on this case and Kingston’s history, visit “Nursing homes become ‘ground zero’ during COVID crisis in the United States and Kern County, Al Jazeera reports.”