Luchando por Justicia: Chain | Cohn | Clark serves local Latino, Hispanic residents
November 16, 2016 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Audio , News & Media , Tips & Information Social Share

Since its early days, the Bakersfield-based law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark has served injured people from all walks of life, no matter of age, gender, race or sexual preference.
In fact, the law firm has been at the forefront of progressiveness in Kern County, credited for employing one of the first female attorneys in the area and one of the first black attorneys, among other milestones.
The same goes for serving and employing Kern County’s Latino and Hispanic residents, which now represents around 50 percent of all residents in the area.
Simply said: The law firm, its employees and its community are one in the same.
The injury, accident and workers’ compensation law firm Chain | Cohn | Clark has made available a Spanish language website in order to better serve the local Latino and Hispanic population.
And recently, Chain | Cohn | Clark partnered with La Caliente 96.9 to assist Spanish radio station listeners who need help with their potential accident, injury or workers’ compensation* cases. In fact, workers’ compensation associate attorney Beatriz Trejo and personal injury lawyer Heather Rodriguez, who are bilingual in English and Spanish, have become a regular on El Show De Cascabel, a Spanish language show. The radio program is hosted by Juan Leal, who goes by the nickname “El Cascabel,” and Marina Moreno, whose alias is “La China.” The widely popular Kern County show airs on FM station 96.9 from 2 to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The law firm and its employees are also deeply involved in community efforts that serve the local Hispanic population, including Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Latina Leaders of Kern County, among others.
The message relayed to listeners is that Chain | Cohn | Clark is “Standing for Justice” for all residents of Kern County — or, in Spanish, “Luchando por Justicia.”
You can listen to various Spanish radio interviews featuring Trejo and Rodriguez below:
- El Cascabel: Fall 2016 (Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo)
- El Cascabel: Fall 2016 (Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo)
- El Cascabel: Winter 2016 (Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo)
- El Cascabel: Winter 2016 (Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo)
- El Informador with Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo (Radio Lazer): November 2016
- El Cascabel: January 2017 (Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Beatriz Trejo)
- El Cascabel: January 2017 (Personal Injury Lawyer Heather Rodriguez)
El Cascabel also frequently gives endorsements of Chain | Cohn | Clark to his show’s listeners.
Trejo and Rodriguez could be heard at various times during the week with El Cascabel answering pressing legal questions from listeners throughout Bakersfield and Kern County.
And if you or a someone you know needs assistance with a potential accident, injury or workers’ compensation case, call the lawyers at Chain | Cohn | Clark for a free consultation at (661) 323-4000, or visit the website.
*NOTICE: Making a false or fraudulent Workers’ Compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in a prison or a fine of up to $150,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both imprisonment and fine.
Hacer un reclamo falso o fraudulento de compensación para trabajadores es un crimen grave sujeto a un máximo de 5 años de prisión o una multa de hasta $150,000 o el doble del valor del fraude, el que sea mayor, o tanto por el encarcelamiento y multa.