MADD Kern County awards ceremony, sponsored by Chain | Cohn | Clark, honors locals fighting against DUI crimes
August 19, 2020 | Article by Chain | Cohn | Clark staff | Awards & Recognition , Community Service Social Share

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Kern County recently recognized and honored our local law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and other community members for their valiant efforts in helping stop DUI crimes during the past year. Chain | Cohn | Clark was proud to be a key organizer, sponsor, and supporter of this event.
The 2020 MADD Kern County Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Recognition was held July 30 during an online ceremony featuring guest speakers and award-winners. In all, more than 60 officers, personnel from the Kern County Prosecutor’s Office and others from throughout local agencies were awarded. Awards were also handed out to the investigator of the year, victim advocate, top probation officer, top law enforcement officers, and “Community Champion.”
“It’s important that we honor the people who are helping keep our streets safe from impaired drivers,” said Carla Pearson, victim services specialist for MADD Kern County. “These impaired drivers have shown to cause tremendous damage to our local community. It’s possible these award-winners have saved the lives of our own friends and family members who are driving on the same roadways.”
Watch the full virtual awards ceremony by clicking here.
Since 2009, our community has seen at least 4,000 DUI arrests made each year, with nearly 4,200 DUI arrests in 2019, according to the Kern County District Attorney’s Office. That’s more than 11 DUI arrests per day. For the rate of DUI-related fatal collisions per 100,000 people, Kern County ranks highest in the state and second highest in the nation.
The awards ceremony is organized by MADD Kern County volunteers, and made possible by the financial support of local sponsors: Clinica Sierra Vista, Kern County Prosecutors Association, Chain | Cohn | Clark, and various media supporters. Additionally, everyone is encouraged to take the “$5 Challenge” to donate to MADD Kern County. All funds raised stay in Kern County to help innocent victims of DUI crashes free of charge, help raise awareness of the DUI epidemic in our community, and helps fund other MADD Kern County programs.
MADD is celebrating its 40th year with #OneMADDCalifornia, a tribute to the grassroots organization that started the cultural revolution that made drunk and drugged driving unacceptable.
“We ask that you take a stand with #OneMADDCalifornia to envision a future with No More Victims,” MADD California officials said in a statement. “Each arrest is a life saved and MADD awards our officers’ service as they dedicate their own lives to keeping our roads safe.”
Drunk and drugged driving is America’s deadliest crime. In 2018, 10,511 people were killed in impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. More than 1,000 Californians alone lost their lives due to this 100% preventable crime.
The awards ceremony is one of two MADD Kern County signature events aimed to bring awareness of the DUI epidemic in our community, and fight toward ending DUI crimes locally. The second event is the Walk Like MADD & MADD Dash, taking place virtually this year on Saturday, Oct. 10.
The high-visibility national enforcement campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” runs from Aug. 21 through Sept. 7 (Labor Day) in an effort to spread the word about impaired driving dangers and to work together to get drunk drivers off the roads and help save lives.
During this period, local law enforcement will show zero tolerance for impaired driving as departments increase the amount of officers on ours roads. In Bakersfield, officers will be conducting saturation patrols, looking for drivers who are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, driving aggressively or distracted, and making sure drivers are properly licensed.
“Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is supported by California Office of Traffic Safety and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
If you or someone you know is injured in an accident at the fault of someone else, or injured on the job no matter whose fault it is, contact the attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark by calling (661) 323-4000, or fill out a free consultation form at
- 2020 MADD Kern County Law Enforcement & Prosecutor Awards Virtual Ceremony
- MADD Kern County honors local officers, prosecutors in virtual awards ceremony (23ABC News)
- MADD Kern County honors local officers, prosecutors in virtual awards ceremony (KGET-17, NBC)
- MADD notes contributions in fight against drunken driving (The Bakersfield Californian)