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The team of Valley Fever workers’ compensation lawyers here at Chain | Cohn | Clark are always standing by to represent you and your interests in a court of law. We’ve got a reputation for winning in the courtroom while making sure our clients are as well-taken-care-of as humanly possible. When you choose our firm, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. So, if you’ve contacted Valley Fever at work, then contact us to schedule a consultation today. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation.
Valley Fever is also called coccidioidomycosis. It’s caused by a fungus (spore) found in soil throughout the southwest United States, as well as some areas in Central and South America. Breathing in the spores is all it takes to start an infection. Spores are often contained in dust that becomes airborne when agitated, especially during construction, gardening, and any other type of digging. Infections don’t always make people ill, but some people experience flu-like symptoms that can last longer than a month. While most people fully recover, some develop severe secondary diseases such as pneumonia, and infections in the brain, joints, bones, skin, or other organs.
Fortunately, Valley Fever doesn’t transmit from person to person, and many people exposed never have any symptoms. However, others aren’t as lucky. Some symptom of Valley Fever include:
To put it bluntly, if you even suspect you’ve been exposed to Valley Fever, especially if you’ve experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above, then get in touch with a doctor and contact our lawyers for a consultation. Doing so may just help hold your employer responsible while enabling you to get the level of medical care you need. Filing a claim may also help compensate you for lost wages, pain, and suffering, and other financial hurdles experienced because of your workplace-borne illness. So, again, if you suspect you’ve been exposed, or you know your coworkers were exposed or experienced symptoms, then seek medical care and contact our team of professional Valley Fever attorneys for a consultation right away.
As unfortunate as it is, any industry that requires its staff to work outdoors in the Central Valley of California, especially in dusty and windy conditions, may be exposing their workers to Valley Fever. If contracted at work, employees may be able to benefit from workers’ compensation insurance. Some of the most common workers’ compensation benefits associated with Valley Fever in the workplace include:
While Valley Fever can harm anyone who visits an area where it’s known to exist, there are certain industries at a heightened risk for exposure. Typically, the industries most commonly affected by Valley Fever are those that involve disturbing the dirt and soil throughout the Kern County area. Some of those industries include:
If you work in any of the previously mentioned industries, then make sure you keep an extra vigilant eye out for the Valley Fever symptoms listed earlier in this article. Remember, as with any other disease, the sooner you act, the better off you’ll always be.
There are several things employers can (and should) do to protect their workers in areas affected by the fungus that causes Valley Fever. For example, you can:
Besides seeking traditional medical care and contacting our workers’ compensation attorneys, there are several resources you can turn to regarding Valley Fever. For example, you can always contact the Valley Fever Institute at Kern Medical. They aim to educate and raise awareness of the disease for the public, patients, and various other healthcare providers. They also work on developing treatments, preventions, immunology, and immunizations for Valley Fever. Chain | Cohn | Clark has even partnered with the Valley Fever Institute at the yearly Valley Fever Walk fundraiser.
Another excellent resource is the Valley Fever Americas Foundation, which aims to raise awareness, funds, and supports promising medical research on the fungus that causes Valley Fever. Currently, there is no cure for the disease.
To find additional resources, you can always check the Valley Fever Institute and the Valley Fever Americas Foundation websites.
If you or someone you know is injured at work or becomes ill due to work conditions, please contact the personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys at Chain | Cohn | Clark by calling (661) 323-4000, or chat with us online by filling out the form found here. Remember, when it comes to caring, aggressive, and professional legal representation, you can always count on the Valley Fever workers’ compensation lawyers here at Chain | Cohn | Clark!
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